Monday 10 August 2015

The historic embezzlement of the Mendoza family from Venezuela (translation)

August 4, 2015, 12:51 pm
The criminal record of a family that defrauded the nation

The historic embezzlement of the Mendoza family from Venezuela

The owner of the Polar companies, besides being a wealthy man with 2.7 billion dollars in his personal portfolio, wants to give economics and politics classes to the Bolivarian1 government. He tries to hide his family's past, that took advantage of the economic resources of the country during almost all of the 20th century to fill its pockets and take control of industries. But the truth always comes to light. Below, the criminal record of the Mendoza family.

The Mendoza coat of arms was cast in Basque lands. The Creole descendants of the noble house arrived in Venezuela territory settling between the uplands and the valleys of Trujillo.

Before Cristóbal Mendoza could impose his figure as the first republican president of Venezuela, installed in the inaugural leadership of the triumvirate that declared independence in 1810 with a flourish of the powerful creole elite, there were four generations previous to those installed in the the Valley of Caracas. The historic reliance of the Mendoza family on state institutions has reserved its private interests, without doubt, although with a low profile.

Until Eugenio Mendoza arrived, who during the government of Medina Angarita was named minister of Development, a position that he would return to hold in the Military Junta of 1958. This businessman said at one point that his emporium that he started without any capital, but among the papers you find his signature as “industrial partner” in Moisés Miranda & cía, whose shares he bought entirely in 1932 to convert it into Materiales Mendoza, S.A. The buying, selling and importing of construction materials was the first business. From there on he would climb the ladder until he obtained government posts to inject bolivars 2into his personal portfolio.

His brother, Eduardo Mendoza Goiticoa, during the so-called Adeco3 triennium (1945 – 1948), was minister of Agriculture and Breeding, as well as, the Venezuela Institute for Immigration, assigned to the ministry that he headed, to bring European refugees and displaced people to put them to work: a cheap workforce wasn't looking for land in the countryside. It is calculated that 20,000 immigrants worked in the rice fields that they inaugurated due to the foundation of the Turén Agricultural Unit, in the state of Portuguesa, that devastated the small farmer towns of the zone in order to initiate the capitalist mechanisation of farmland which was so much the trend for the time.

It is worth highlighting his marriage to Hilda Coburn Velutini, this final last name associated with the family involved in the construction business, which made them rich, and later with banking speculation. His daughter, Antonieta Mendoza de López, is the mother of today's (non-)political prisoner Leopoldo López.

Together, Eduardo and Eugenio Mendoza founded Protinal, a company that produces food extracts for animals. In this way, the Grupo Empresas Mendoza, whose capital came from the Venezuelan state, started like good leeches on the Venezuelan economy.

Without scruples to negotiate

Marcos Pérez Jiménez, whose dictatorship was characterised economically by attracting North American capital in favour of the small military caste that sustained itself in state power, confessed to Blanco Muñoz the parasitic attitude of this faction of the Masters of the Valley:

"Eugenio Mendoza presented himself before me with a plan to develop the Matanzas Iron and Steel Plant, for 150 thousand tonnes. He asked in exchange that I might give him at once the Cerro of Parima, so that they might establish economic restrictions for the importation of steel. And practically he arrived at proposing that the government might give it to him to exercise it. The government had a more hierarchically-organised plan, that it is set down there and that is captured in the Matanzas Iron and Steel Plant. Then how were we going to give this to Eugenio Mendoza, with all the state property questions, for his benefit, in order that he might establish a minuscule plant that didn't satisfy the needs of the country? Here we were talking about three plants. Eugenio Mendoza couldn't carry that out and because of that the Venezuelan state dedicated to do it itself. If a company that might have been Eugenio Mendoza´s or another, had presented us with a plan of the magnitude that we had told them: go ahead. But what did Eugenio Mendoza do in the case of General Medina? Well, obtaining a licence to import smooth zinc sheets, and then put them in a small machine that corrugated them and for that the Venezuelan public had to pay extremely elevated prices. For the aluminium sheets that corrugated Eugenio Mendoza. And then he pocketed an extraordinary profit. And the Venezuelan customer, the consumer had to pay extremely high prices”.

The Mendozas didn't distinguish the actors of the negotiations, as long as their own bank account grew with less than the minimum of effort. Puntofijismo4 was the remaining piece to incorporate themselves fully in the key positions of the Venezuelan economy, due to the fact that Cisneros made itself into the lobby to bring themselves together with the US oligarchy of the Mills, creators of the biggest mill company in the world: Pillsbury Mills. In Venezuela it had its enclave with the names of Monaca (Robin Hood, Lassie, Juana, Mónica) and Molinos Caracas Maracaibo, S.A. (Milani, Suprema).

Thanks to this contact, the Mendoza part that entrusted itself with agribusiness and agroconfeti5 got to import the mills and today grind wheat and corn for the fabrication and distribution of Polar products and the other tasty snacks that pertain to the transnational network of Pepsico (Doritos, Ruffles, Gatorade, Frito Lays, etc.).


The migration to the financial sector

The new models of criminal accumulation of capital encoded themselves through the speculation on oil income through finance, the buying and selling of shares and bonds and banking. This migration made the traditional Masters of the Valley (Mendoza, Vollmer, Zuloaga) sometimes join together with the friends of Pedro Tinoco in the middle of the decade of 1970.
The Mendozas possessed half of Banco Provincial and important shares in Banco de Venezuela. They also took control of Banco Venezolano de Crédito and Banco La Guaira Internacional.
How did they manage to have so many shares and banks in their possession? Placing men of confidence in the puntofijist governments and in the business institutions.


A brief compendium of those connected to the Mendozas: Caldera I

  • Lorenzo Fernández, COPEI party6 and minister of Interior Relations during the first government of Rafael Caldera, he was also the president of Productos EFE (today of Polar). The uncle of the brothers, Armando y Alberto Espinoza Fernández, both part of the Coordination Council of Empresas Mendoza. Alberto Espinoza, besides, was the first vice-president of C.A. Venezolana de Cementos, one of the most lucrative businesses of Eugenio Mendoza.
  • Haydeé Castillo was a minister of Development and the Tax Office and director of the Department of Economic Investigations of the Grupo Empresas Mendoza.
  • Andrés Germán Otero was designated the director of the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV). In 1974 served as the second vice-president of C.A. Venezolana de Cementos.
  • Alfredo Lafee, president of BCV from 1971 until 1974. In 1978, active shareholder of Sherwin Williams, besides serving as the principal director of Cavaín Sociedad Financiera and president of Banco La Guaira Internacional.
  • President of Compañía Venezolana de Guayana (CVG) between 1970 and 1973, the General (R) Rafael Alfonzo Ravard was a wealthy investor in the iron and steel plant, Sivensa, on whose board of directors generations of Mendozas have warmed seats. But the most important thing in Alfonzo Ravard's record, on top of legislating in favour of the grupo Alfonzo Rivas y compañía, is that he was the first president of Petróleos de Venezuela, that was born with the supposed nationalisation of oil. And here commences the list of Carlos Andrés Pérez (CAP) I.


A brief compendium of those connected to the Mendozas: CAP I

  • Pedro Tinoco, the supreme operator of the Twelve Apostles of CAP, he was the acting director of Banco La Guaira Internacional.
  • Gustavo Pinto Cohen, besides minister of Agriculture and Breeding, in 1978 appeared as the director of BCV. He was the acting director of Cavendes, a financial society in which the families Boulton, Blohm, Cervini, and of course Mendoza participate, amongst others.
  • Carlos Romero Zuloaga, director of Meneven, even before its nationalisation, when it was called Mene Grande Oil Company. In 1978 he appeared registered as the principal director of Banco La Guaira Internacional and as president of Industria Eternit.
  • César Mendoza passed from being the acting director of Siderúrgica del Orinoco (Sidor) to the de-facto director in 1975. President de Venalum (today Corporación Nacional de Aluminio) and of Adriática de Seguros, has capital invested in the private steel and iron industry.
  • Luis Ignacio Mendoza was acting director of Aluminios del Caroní in 1975, a mixed enterprise with CVG, and with capital invested by the Reynold Metal Company. In 1978 he passed to be principal director of Siderúrgica Venezuela and of the previously mentioned Sivensa. He also served as director of Calanese de Venezuela and president of the company Cantonez de Venezuela.
Other companies of mixed capital in the Guayana region where CVG participated were:
  • Cementos Guayana, company that had as president Eduardo Pantin in 1975, who by 1978 was the acting director of C.A. Venezolana de Cementos. Another person that was on the board of directors of Cementos Guayana was Gerardo Sansas, who in 1978 occupied the post of president of C.A. Venezolana de Cementos. Both loyal representatives of the Mendoza group.
  • Fior de Venezuela had as president José Antonio Mayobre between 1975 and 1978, before having occupied the central office of the ministry of Tax during Betancourt government. Besides Mayobre appeared on the board of directors of Avensa and as a shareholder of Banco de Venezuela in 1978.
The key of the Mendoza group was placing representatives and family members in key posts of the economy, like the ministries of Tax, Development and the BCV, as we have already reviewed.


The foolish rich and the generation of replacement

Juan Carlos Zapata has qualified as “the foolish rich” those businesspeople that didn't know how to avoid the crisis that they themselves had created through the sacking of the state and financial speculation, and that by themselves saw all their monopolies turned to ashes in the midst of the hurricane. "Eugenio Antonio (Mendoza) hadn't learned the lesson from his father”, as Zapata says, of involving himself in politics during the the decades of 1980s and the start of the 1990s before the banking crisis in order to strengthen the industries and financial institutions that had passed on to the stupid son of the Mendozas.

The Mendoza family lost all the emporium that had developed in some decades of usufruct and speculation. Only once branch of the group (the Mendoza Fleury-Quintero-Pocaterra-Giménez) managed to escape from the debacle due the strengthening of the production and distribution branches that it possessed due to the embezzlement by the part of Mendoza Goiticoa lineage, besides always going around with its low business profile, media silence and little public attention.
In this way, Empresas Polar managed to function as the only Masters of the Valley that expanded with its litres of beer and tonnes of agroconfeti sold as national basic foods. By 1995, Grupo Polar had in its possession 2 billion dollars, when Oswaldo Cisneros and José Álvarez Stelling scarcely have 500 million dollars each in their bank accounts. The bear didn't sleep in its cave, it made use of the fall of the rest of the economic groups and erected itself as a lead actor in the development of plundered Venezuela.

Lorenzo Mendoza, today the leader of Polar, hasn't had to work but investing together with his financial friends what his daddy left him, Mendoza Quintero, well-loaded with money. It is this family that tries to return to power in order to run away with all the public resources possible in benefit of its private pocket. The role of torture for dollars while the economic war takes place in factories and distribution networks inside on behalf of Polar is the same role that its ancestors fulfilled from the comfortable office of some ministry.

Translator's notes:

1 current Venezuelan government whose policies are based on ideas of Simón Bolivar, 19th century Venezuelan general and liberator who led the struggle for independence throughout much of Hispanic America, and extolled by Hugo Chavez as: anti-imperialism; participative democracy; economic self-sufficiency; instilling in people a national ethic of patriotic service; quitable distribution natural resources; eliminating corruption
2Venezuelan currency
3government by the Acción Democrática party
4 Pact of Punto Fijo was agreed between representatives of Venezuela's three main political parties in 1958: Acción Democrática, COPEI and Unión Republicana Democrática. The pact bound the parties to limit Venezuela’s political system to an exclusive competition between two parties and the distribution of power between the two main political parties.
5 Food that has no nutritional value and doesn't constitute a staple of a healthy diet and is sprinkled around people´s food intake like confetti.
6 Copei
Independent Political Electoral Organization Committee, is a social christian party.

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